Friday, April 13, 2012

Selection Criteria

So it acomes to a time where I have to make an effort  to retain some form of employment. The problem is i find myself bored with official writing that just so biege.  heres my latest selection criterion:
Working with People - Understanding others, adapting to others, rewarding others, listening, consulting, supporting, caring.

I work with people. I am a People Person, proven by the crowd of people who posed for this picture

I have extensive experience working within a team environment throughout my career.  As a warm and open person, I possess an understanding of others. This empathy is the glue that binds the team, or the egg that binds the rissole. It is the power of this affinity that I wield that allows me to be the greatest team member ever. In my self appointed role as morale team captain I command the respect of my minions by adapting to some, rewarding others and listening to all. A team with harmony sings in simpatico. Some lesser team members say im condescending (that means I speak down to people), but it’s not true, I am just greater than they could ever hope to achieve. And this is how I relate to people, I give them my time, and time is money, so it’s like a charity. And that’s what I am, friend charity.  Building a rapport is different to building a house, but both have glue. I am that glue.

Otherwise, i once busked with a sign that read
Too lazy to work or sing, please give generously

so i always have my backup career.

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