Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Gorman House Gatling G'Zine Machine and Galleria (Get Ctera) or the GHGG'ZMG(GTC)

Hello all.
New Zine Stall operating out of the Gorman House Markets called "Gorman House Gatling G'Zine Machine and Galleria (get cetera) or the GHGG'ZMG (GTC)" to coincide with the Ghost of Gorman House's Man Hatin' Matron Poetry Open Mike (GGHMHMPOM) every 2nd saturday of the month.


How can i help in such a worthy endeavour?
well Ma'am you can help by providing 1-5 copies of your zine, and your sale price to me in the lead up to the zine stall

what if i know some other people who have a zine but am not on this list of email recipients? can i forward this information on to them without being in breach of some obscure law?
Yes, by all means... in fact, by not passing it on to five people you run the risk of your wish not coming true!

I dont make zines as my arms are flippers, i breathe through a hole in my head and i speak only in high pitched clicks, am i able to visit the stall and perhaps purchase some of your wares (or send land-minions to purchase zines on my behalf and bring them to me without breaching some obscure law)?
Yes, but only if your land-minions pay in earth dollars.

I'm a rabid revolutionary who creates pamphlets that espouse my socio-politico-religionary dogma, can i sell my pamphlets at your stall in the guise of zines?
I dont make the rules, i just doubt it will sell. Yes.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Bad! Slam! No! Biscuit!

A very well educated man once said to me "You stay away from my daughter!"

And if the daughter was Bad! Slam! No! Biscuit! then i did not pay him heed, for

Tomorrow night (18th of May) I am the feature poet at Canberra's Bad! Slam! No! Biscuit!

Held at the Phoenix Bar, East Row, Civic, 730 - late

Audience members who mention this blog will get a free slice of cheese.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011